Currently 56% of world's population live in cities where, most likely, the night sky is drowned in artificial light. Sadly, it prevents us to admire the night sky as our ancestors did and barely few stars are visible and no wonder that along the way the urbanites, like me, have lost the connection with it. But above our heads a huge Universe exist, with its own pace and frequency, which I try to shed darkness...
This photo is probably my best attempt to do it; unlike many of my photos, it does not feature bright nebulae or galaxies but instead just a star field, our Moon and planet Saturn (the bright white trail above the Moon) moving in the night sky against century's XVII São Bruno Fort and the beach with the same name at Oeiras, Portugal. The night sky and city in the same frame.
This photo was taken at Caxias, Portugal on December 17th 2023.
Technical details:
Frames: 300 x 20'' from 20.18 until 22.15
Sony A7-II | Samyang 24mm | Omegon Mini Tracker Quattro